Life Group Curriculum
A compilation of video studies & notes to use for small groups

Study Materials for
Your Life Groups

Wanting to grow deeper in faith and discipleship in your Life Groups? We have our video studies and notes which have been designed for small group settings available to all for free online. Browse through our current and upcoming curriculums we offer!

Life Group Curriculum

Transforming Your
Inner World

The world celebrates the external, but Bible focuses on the internal. We often think about calling in terms of the advancement of the Kingdom when our first and foremost call is alignment to the King. In your Life Groups, learn how to live biblically and cultivate your inner life.

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Life Group Curriculum


Life on earth is short. Therefore, don’t waste your life. Learn how life is meant to be lived from the wisest man that ever lived. In your Life Groups, learn how to apply these timeless principles from ancient wisdom and learn the keys to a life well lived.

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Life Group Curriculum

Life Redefined

Life Redefined: 8 Key Questions for Spiritual Formation Series is a curriculum designed for small groups meeting in homes, where members can share deeply, be accountable to one another and grow together. This course is focused on spiritual formation—examining our core beliefs through 8 key questions. There are 8 biblical fundamentals for effective biblical discipleship.

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Life Group Curriculum


In the midst of coming back from exile, the Israelites look to rebuild the once glorious temple of God in Jerusalem. After facing many hardships, their hearts grew cold to the things of God and even whilst building the temple, their hearts had not returned to God. This series on Haggai is about developing a heart for God and His House. This series will help you understand what it means to do God’s work but more importantly how to become a person after God’s own heart.

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Life Group Curriculum


Habakkuk was a prophet who was angered by Judah’s wickedness and God’s delay in judging them. Judah’s covenant with God had been broken by their continued faithfulness and lack of repentance. God tells Habakkuk that the Chaldeans will overtake them and that the righteous shall live by faith. The book of Habakkuk is about wrestling with difficult circumstances and evaluating reality based on God’s Word instead of our own observations and wisdom.

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Life Group Curriculum


Ephesians 1:3-14 is a powerful passage that showcases the abundant blessings we have in Christ! Even from prison, we find Apostle Paul overflowing with praise for Jesus. He fosters an attitude of worship, and in recognition of God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, Apostle Paul responds by blessing God. The principle is this: We bless God who has richly blessed us!

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Life Group Curriculum

Leadership Essentials

Everything rises and falls on leadership. A godly leader is a person with God-given capacity with a God-given responsibility to influence a specific group of God’s people towards God-given purposes for the group. It’s a profound calling to guide, inspire, nurture and build, and every one leads in some capacity or another. In this 5 part series - Reverend Paul Jeyachandran teaches on key topics such as Mastering the art of leading a few, breaking free and the kind of leaders that build the house.

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Life Group Curriculum

Gospel-Centred Joy

The epistle to the Philippians was written by Apostle Paul, to the church in Philippi. Even in the midst of his imprisonment, Paul exuded great joy! He steadfastly lived out his satisfaction in Christ.There are 3 aspects to this book: Firstly, it is known as a unique book, a book full of joy that is rooted in Christ. Secondly, it contains an unusual story, a narrative of divine intervention, and thirdly its describes uncommon experiences, involving the lives of a diverse group of individuals.Join us in this 10-session series and discover the secret to Gospel-Centred joy!

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Life Group Curriculum


The Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament, is a prophetic and symbolic vision attributed to John, written during his time of exile in Patmos. While it offers many details of judgment and tribulation, it portrays Christ’s ultimate triumph in God’s kingdom. Filled with vivid imagery—beasts, angels, trumpets, and scrolls—Revelation offers a message of hope and perseverance, emphasising God’s sovereignty, the victory of Christ, and the promise of a new heaven and earth. It challenges readers to remain faithful while anticipating the fulfilment of God’s redemptive plan for humanity. In this series we will look at the first 3 chapters of the book of Revelation.

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Become a disciplemaker

Start a Life Group & Be Trained as a Leader

If you're unable to connect in due to geographical or time zone differences, why not start a new Life Group with your friends and family? All you need is a willing heart and a place to host your meetings. Watch this short video by Rev Paul and Ps Esabel about the importance and purpose of Life Groups and take up the invitation to start one!

I want to be trained as a new leader